Welcome to Football Obsessed where passion meets performance in the realm of women's football. I am thrilled to have you here, fellow football enthusiast, as we embark on a journey fuelled by the love for the game and the pursuit of excellence. As the founder of this platform, I want to share my unwavering passion for women's football with you. From the earliest days of kicking a ball on uneven fields to representing my team in competitive matches, this sport has left an indelible mark on my soul. It has shaped me into the person I am today and taught me invaluable lessons about teamwork, determination, and resilience. I believe that every player deserves access to the best equipment to enhance their skills and elevate their game. That's why I handpick each item available on our website, ensuring that it meets the highest standards of quality, performance, and style. These are the very same tools I have personally used on my journey, and I can vouch for their ability to unlock your full potential on the field. By browsing through our meticulously curated collection, you will discover a range of products designed to amplify your abilities. Whether you're seeking cutting-edge football boots that provide unparalleled traction, precision-engineered training gear to fine-tune your technique, or durable equipment that withstands the rigors of intense matches, we have it all. But this platform is more than just a marketplace. It's a community of like-minded individuals who share a common love for women's football. Through our blog, you'll find insightful articles, expert tips, and inspiring stories from players who have overcome obstacles and achieved greatness. Together, we can create a space where dreams are nurtured and champions are born. I invite you to join our growing family and embrace the joy, passion, and empowerment that women's football brings. Together, let's raise the bar, break stereotypes, and celebrate the exhilarating beauty of the game. At Football Obsessed, we are committed to helping you unleash your full potential and leaving an indelible mark on the field. Thank you for choosing us as your trusted companion in your football journey. Let's kick-start this adventure together and make strides towards greatness. Below are some of the products I most enjoyed using but visit our shop for more!

  • Reaction time Lights

    Football is a very demanding sport and improving reaction time is crucial for any female footballer seeking to excel on the field. A quicker reaction time allows us to anticipate and react swiftly to dynamic game situations, gaining a competitive edge. By enhancing reaction time, we can improve our decision-making, speed, and accuracy, giving us a distinct advantage during matches. It enables us to intercept passes, make precise tackles, evade opponents, and create scoring opportunities. Moreover, a heightened reaction time enhances spatial awareness, enabling us to position ourselves effectively and exploit gaps in the defence. I used the Reaction Time lights to radically improve this aspect of my game.

  • Training Bundle

    The carefully curated training bundle for female footballers includes essential tools such as cones, hurdles, and an agility ladder, each serving a specific purpose in improving their game. The cones offer versatility and allow players to set up drills for dribbling, agility, and precision passing. They provide visual markers, aiding in spatial awareness and developing quick decision-making on the field. The hurdles, on the other hand, focus on enhancing explosive power, speed, and coordination. By practicing various exercises, such as hurdle jumps and lateral movements, we can improve our agility, stride length, and overall athleticism. The agility ladder is a valuable tool for footwork, quickness, and coordination training. It helps us develop precise foot placement, rapid change of direction, and increased agility. I loved using the ladder and this training bundle as its so versatile and portable